Oh hi! I can’t figure out how to delete this Mail Icon, but if you want to email me —> katebingamanburt@gmail.com

I also Have a SUbstack! I can’t figure out how to make the previous sentence look like a link, but it’s a link.

Kate Bingaman-Burt is an illustrator & educator.

Her work orbits around the objects in our lives: the things we buy, the things we discard, and the collectivity and social interaction that can arise from cycles of consumption. Via illustrations, daily documentation, publications, events, large-scale participatory projects, client work, and a full-time role as educator, Kate’s work invites a dialogue about contemporary forms of exchange.

Welcome to Bedsider

Bedsider: Fact or Fiction

Working as part of an awesome team (hello Jenn Maer, Mary Foyder, Mark Del Lima, H.P. Mendoza and Jef Cunningham!) I contributed the illustrations for a series of birth control education animations that IDEO developed for Bedsider. Bedsider is is a free support network for birth control operated by The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy.