Oh hi! I can’t figure out how to delete this Mail Icon, but if you want to email me —> katebingamanburt@gmail.com

I also Have a SUbstack! I can’t figure out how to make the previous sentence look like a link, but it’s a link.

Kate Bingaman-Burt is an illustrator & educator.

Her work orbits around the objects in our lives: the things we buy, the things we discard, and the collectivity and social interaction that can arise from cycles of consumption. Via illustrations, daily documentation, publications, events, large-scale participatory projects, client work, and a full-time role as educator, Kate’s work invites a dialogue about contemporary forms of exchange.


Teaching and sharing are a crucial part of my art practice; my enthusiasm for making is channelled into the role of facilitator and guide. Let's make stuff together, okay? 


Along with being an Professor of Graphic Design at Portland State (go PSUGD!), I teach a variety of online classes through Skillshare and CreativeLive. I also have been traveling around for the last several years conducting zine workshops at a variety of institutions.

Do you want to learn more about the Graphic Design Program at Portland State? Check out our program page! Look at our instagram or scroll through our hashtag.

The classes that I teach at PSU range from sophomore level branding, information design, illustration, packaging and exhibition design to senior level thesis and portfolio. One of my most favorite classes to teach is one that I developed called A+D Projects. A+D Projects acts as the in house design studio for the Art + Design school. Populated with talented and enthusiastic Juniors and Seniors, we not only work with the art school population to execute projects, but we dream up and implement programming such as our quarterly zine Annex, Good Market pop-up shop, Be Honest student showcase, What the Help? mentorship program, field trips and the occasional Drake themed Bingo Night. We also explore the city and invade local design shops and are lucky to have professionals hang out with us and offer guidance and feedback. 

Professional practice starts now! PSUGD students engage with the community from day one. Between our weekly lectures from local (and not so local) creative community members to hosting big design showcases to organizing quiet sit down reviews, students are making and thinking and talking about design all of the time. Check out some of our grads. Our Show & Tell Lecture Series is held every Thursday at noon in room 320 of the Art Building (2000 SW 5th Ave. It's open to the public so please come and say HELLO! 


Welcome to a digital version of our Risograph Basics course: a printing, collage, experimentation, and mark making extravaganza! Get to know Outlet and our RISO sisters (Barbara, Janet, Corita, and Tina) and learn the basics of t…

Welcome to a digital version of our Risograph Basics course: a printing, collage, experimentation, and mark making extravaganza! Get to know Outlet and our RISO sisters (Barbara, Janet, Corita, and Tina) and learn the basics of this fun and unique print method! Register HERE!

Thanks to Skillshare, you can sign up for classes about making zines and drawing our collections. Add your project to the mix!

I was one of the four instructors for CreativeLive's 28 to Make. This is a free class with short prompts to get you moving and making. I teach five short lessons where we draw our drinks, plants, music, stuff in your bag and receipts. 

Get Into The Habit Of Making: Draw Inspiration From The Every Day. Get off your computer and play! Drawing the Everyday Every Day is your guide to exploring your creativity and integrating a drawing habit into your daily routine. In this class, you’ll learn: How to develop themes for your drawings, options for presenting your content: zines, prints, instagram and ways to add color to black and white drawings using Photoshop. Sign up now on CreativeLive!