Credit Card Drawings — The Office of Kate Bingaman-Burt

Oh hi! I can’t figure out how to delete this Mail Icon, but if you want to email me —>

I also Have a SUbstack! I can’t figure out how to make the previous sentence look like a link, but it’s a link.

Kate Bingaman-Burt is an illustrator & educator.

Her work orbits around the objects in our lives: the things we buy, the things we discard, and the collectivity and social interaction that can arise from cycles of consumption. Via illustrations, daily documentation, publications, events, large-scale participatory projects, client work, and a full-time role as educator, Kate’s work invites a dialogue about contemporary forms of exchange.


Credit Card Drawings

In October 2004, I started drawing my credit card statements every month and decided to do so until they were paid off. I am debt free as of February, 2010. For more credit card drawings click HERE. Rob Walker wrote an article for the New York Times Magazine about this project in 2006. Thanks, Rob!